Various Quality Attributes contribute to the quality of a software design this is including
1. Maintainabily
2. Portability
3. Testability
4. Usability
5. Correctness
6. Robustness
There is a very interesting distinction between quality attributes discernible at run time.
for example :
1. Performane
2. Security
3. Availability
4. Functionality
5. Usability.
with those which are not at the run time.
for example :
1. modifiability
2. portability
3. reusability
4. testability
and those which are related to architectures intrinsic qualities
for example :
1. conceptual
2. integrity
3. cirrectebess
4. completeness
Quality Analysis And Evaluation Techniques
Software design may be analyzed and evaluated with many tools and techniques such as
1. Software Design Reviews:
2. Static Analysis:
3. Simulation and Prototyping
Various aspects of a software design can be quantitatively estimated using Measures. for example : Size, Structure, or Quality. These measures are classified in two broad categories:
1. Function Based ( Structured ) design measures.
2. Object-Oriented design measures.
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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000014
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