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SOLID - Introduction

During SDLC, it is very important to anticipate changes and software evolution. SOLID is an acronym set of guidance and practices that help us to make our code more manageable with the continuously evolving changing request and industry demand. The SOLID practices were introduced by Robert C. Martin. ( Bob Martin ) back dated at least somewhere in 2003.
There are 5 principles that is introduced by him ( Bob Martin ). Each principles has its own strength and very useful and if when used in collaboration, the code patterns will resulting a code structure that is manageable and adaptable to changes. Take note that these principles are just a guidance for any software developer who would willing to learn and improve their coding skills. There are many code patterns and many techniques that is out there, but there is no harm in understanding what SOLID is trying to achieve.
For the management perspective, it is always nice to enforce some sort like a principles to your team, SOLID is one way to enforce manageable and understandable code throughout your team.
Take note that there are many ways to solve a problem and this is one of it.

Without further due, lets start our journey in understanding SOLID.

The Principles

S - The single responsibility principle
O - The open/closed principle
L - The Liskov substitution principle
I - Interface segregation
D - Dependency Inversion

Published on : 10-Jan-2019
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000095

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Passionate about new technology ( Software Engineering ) and how to build,manage and maintain them
