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From Basic To The Big Picture

This blog objective is to help a transition junior developer to be familiar with the big picture of software development environment. It is important for each team member in a team to realize their responsibility and work with each other. This blog content is based on IEEE Computer engineering society book called SWEBOK V3. Besides on the value of working in a team, it also will expose us to the standardization that has been drawn by IEEE/IEC/ISO. This will greatly improve the output product of the developed software.  Along the way while going through this blog, the journey of upgrading our knowledge will lead us to all the legal activities that involve in producing a software product as an output. We will discuss on how to patent our product and many more. It is worthwhile to understand what is our responsibility as a team member that will contribute to these legal issues.  At the end of the blog, we will encounter some of important knowledge that is out of the scope o...
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Looking At An Architecture Perspective In Software Engineering

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Elements For Crafting Your Solution Privacy Policies

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Microservices - Anemic Models And Microservices Considerations

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