Software engineering economics is about making decisions related to software engineering in a business context. The success of a software product, service, and solution depends on good business management. Yet, in many companies and organizations, software business relationships to software development and engineering remain vague. This knowledge area (KA) provides an overview on software engineering economics.
Economics is the study of value, costs, resources, and their relationship in a given context or situation. In the discipline of software engineering, activities have costs, but the resulting software itself has economic attributes as well. Software engineering economics provides a way to study the attributes of software and software processes in a systematic way that relates them to economic measures. These economic measures can be weighed and analyzed when making decisions that are within the scope of a software organization and those within the integrated scope of an entire producing or acquiring business.
Software engineering economics is concerned with aligning software technical decisions with the business goals of the organization. In all types of organizations—be it “for-profit,” “notfor-profit,” or governmental—this translates into sustainably staying in business. In “for-profit” organizations this additionally relates to achieving a tangible return on the invested capital— both assets and capital employed. This KA has been formulated in a way to address all types of organizations independent of focus, product and service portfolio, or capital ownership and taxation restrictions.
Decisions like “Should we use a specific component?” may look easy from a technical perspective, but can have serious implications on the business viability of a software project and the resulting product. Often engineers wonder whether such concerns apply at all, as they are “only engineers.” Economic analysis and decision-making are important engineering considerations because engineers are capable of evaluating decisions both technically and from a business perspective. The contents of this knowledge area are important topics for software engineers to be aware of even if they are never actually involved in concrete business decisions; they will have a well-rounded view of business issues and the role technical considerations play in making business decisions. Many engineering proposals and decisions, such as make versus buy, have deep intrinsic economic impacts that should be considered explicitly.
This KA first covers the foundations, key terminology, basic concepts, and common practices of software engineering economics to indicate how decision-making in software engineering includes, or should include a business perspective. It then provides a life cycle perspective, highlights risk and uncertainty management, and shows how economic analysis methods are used. Some practical considerations finalize the knowledge area.
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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000085
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