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7 - Software Engineering Management - 0 - Introduction

Software engineering management can be defined as the application of management activities—planning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, controlling, and reporting1 —to ensure that software products and software engineering services are delivered efficiently, effectively, and to the benefit of stakeholders.
ment programs is presented in this KA. In one sense, it should be possible to manage a software engineering project in the same way other complex endeavors are managed. However, there are aspects specific to software projects and software life cycle processes that complicate effective management, including these:
• Clients often don’t know what is needed or what is feasible.
• Clients often lack appreciation for the complexities inherent in software engineering, particularly regarding the impact of changing requirements.
• It is likely that increased understanding and changing conditions will generate new or changed software requirements.
• As a result of changing requirements, software is often built using an iterative process rather than as a sequence of closed tasks.
• Software engineering necessarily incorporates creativity and discipline. Maintaining an appropriate balance between the two is sometimes difficult.
• The degree of novelty and complexity is often high.
• There is often a rapid rate of change in the underlying technology

Software engineering management activities occur at three levels: organizational and infrastructure management, project management, and management of the measurement program. The last two are covered in detail in this KA description. However, this is not to diminish the importance of organizational and infrastructure management issues. It is generally agreed that software organizational engineering managers should be conversant with the project management and software measurement knowledge described in this KA. They should also possess some target domain knowledge. Likewise, it is also helpful if managers of complex projects and programs in which software is a component of the system architecture are aware of the differences that software processes introduce into project management and project measurement.

 Other aspects of organizational management exert an impact on software engineering (for example, organizational policies and procedures that provide the framework in which software engineering projects are undertaken). These policies and procedures may need to be adjusted by the requirements for effective software development and maintenance. In addition, a number of policies specific to software engineering may need to be in place or established for effective management of software engineering at the organizational level. For example, policies are usually necessary to establish specific organization-wide processes or procedures for software engineering tasks such as software design, software construction, estimating, monitoring, and reporting. Such policies are important for effective long-term management of software engineering projects across an organization (for example, establishing a consistent basis by which to analyze past project performance and implement improvements).

Another important aspect of organizational management is personnel management policies and procedures for hiring, training, and mentoring personnel for career development, not only at the project level, but also to the longer-term success of an organization. Software engineering personnel may present unique training or personnel management challenges (for example, maintaining currency in a context where the underlying technology undergoes rapid and continuous change).

Communication management is also often mentioned as an overlooked but important aspect of the performance of individuals in a field where precise understanding of user needs, software requirements, and software designs is necessary. Furthermore, portfolio management, which provides an overall view, not only of software currently under development in various projects and programs (integrated projects), but also of software planned and currently in use in an organization, is desirable. Also, software reuse is a key factor in maintaining and improving productivity and competitiveness. Effective reuse requires a strategic vision that reflects the advantages and disadvantages of reuse

In addition to understanding the aspects of management that are uniquely influenced by software projects, software engineers should have some knowledge of the more general aspects of management that are discussed

Attributes of organizational culture and behavior, plus management of other functional areas of the enterprise, have an influence, albeit indirectly, on an organization’s software engineering processes.

 processes. Extensive information concerning software project management can be found in the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) and the Software Extension to the PMBOK® Guide (SWX) [1] [2]. Each of these guides includes ten project management KAs: project integration management, project scope management, project time management, project cost management, project quality management, project human resource management, project communications management, project risk management, project procurement management, and project stakeholder management

Additional information is also provided in the other references and further readings for this KA. This Software Engineering Management KA consists of the software project management processes in the first five topics in Figure 7.1 (Initiation and Scope Definition, Software Project Planning, Software Project Enactment, Review and Evaluation, Closure), plus Software Engineering Measurement in the sixth topic and Software Engineering Management Tools in the seventh topic. While project management and measurement management are often regarded as being separate, and indeed each does possess many unique attributes, the close relationship has led to combined treatment in this KA.

 Unfortunately, a common perception of the software industry is that software products are delivered late, over budget, of poor quality, and with incomplete functionality. Measurement-informed management—a basic principle of any true engineering discipline (see Measurement in the Engineering Foundations KA)—can help improve the perception and the reality. In essence, management without measurement (qualitative and quantitative) suggests a lack of discipline, and measurement without management suggests a lack of purpose or context. Effective management requires a combination of both measurement and experience.

The following working definitions are adopted here:
• Management is a system of processes and controls required to achieve the strategic objectives set by the organization.
• Measurement refers to the assignment of values and labels to software engineering work products, processes, and resources plus the models that are derived from them, whether these models are developed using statistical or other techniques

The software engineering project management sections in this KA make extensive use of the software engineering measurement section. This KA is closely related to others in the SWEBOK Guide, and reading the following KA descriptions in conjunction with this one will be particularly helpful:
• The Engineering Foundations KA describes some general concepts of measurement that are directly applicable to the Software Engineering Measurement section of this KA. In addition, the concepts and techniques presented in the Statistical Analysis section of the Engineering Foundations KA apply directly to many topics in this KA.
• The Software Requirements KA describes some of the activities that should be performed during the Initiation and Scope definition phase of the project.
• The Software Configuration Management KA deals with identification, control, status accounting, and auditing of software configurations along with software release management and delivery and software configuration management tools.
• The Software Engineering Process KA describes software life cycle models and the relationships between processes and work products.
• The Software Quality KA emphasizes quality as a goal of management and as an aim of many software engineering activities.
• The Software Engineering Economics KA discusses how to make software-related decisions in a business context.

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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000051

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Passionate about new technology ( Software Engineering ) and how to build,manage and maintain them
