Modeling of software is becoming a pervasive technique to help software engineers understand, engineer, and communicate aspects of the software to appropriate stakeholders. Stakeholders are those persons or parties who have a stated or implied interest in the software (for example, user, buyer, supplier, architect, certifying authority, evaluator, developer, software engineer, and perhaps others). While there are many modeling languages, notations, techniques, and tools in the literature and in practice, there are unifying general concepts that apply in some form to them all. The following sections provide background on these general concepts.
Modeling Principles
Modeling provides the software engineer with an organized and systematic approach for representing significant aspects of the software under study, facilitating decision-making about the software or elements of it, and communicating those significant decisions to others in the stakeholder communities. There are three general principles guiding such modeling activities:
• Model the Essentials: good models do not usually represent every aspect or feature of the software under every possible condition. Modeling typically involves developing only those aspects or features of the software that need specific answers, abstracting away any nonessential information. This approach keeps the models manageable and useful.
• Provide Perspective: modeling provides views of the software under study using a defined set of rules for expression of the model within each view. This perspectivedriven approach provides dimensionality to the model (for example, a structural view, behavioral view, temporal view, organizational view, and other views as relevant). Organizing information into views focuses the software modeling efforts on specific concerns relevant to that view using the appropriate notation, vocabulary, methods, and tools.
• Enable Effective Communications: modeling employs the application domain vocabulary of the software, a modeling language, and semantic expression (in other words, meaning within context). When used rigorously and systematically, this modeling results in a reporting approach that facilitates effective communication of software information to project stakeholders.
A model is an abstraction or simplification of a software component. A consequence of using abstraction is that no single abstraction completely describes a software component. Rather, the model of the software is represented as an aggregation of abstractions, which—when taken together—describe only selected aspects, perspectives, or views—only those that are needed to make informed decisions and respond to the reasons for creating the model in the first place. This simplification leads to a set of assumptions about the context within which the model is placed that should also be captured in the model. Then, when reusing the model, these assumptions can be validated first to establish the relevancy of the reused model within its new use and context.
Properties and Expression of Models Properties of models are those distinguishing features of a particular model used to characterize its completeness, consistency, and correctness within the chosen modeling notation and tooling used. Properties of models include the following:
• Completeness: the degree to which all requirements have been implemented and verified within the model.
• Consistency: the degree to which the model contains no conflicting requirements, assertions, constraints, functions, or component descriptions.
• Correctness: the degree to which the model satisfies its requirements and design specifications and is free of defects.
Models are constructed to represent real-world objects and their behaviors to answer specific questions about how the software is expected to operate. Interrogating the models—either through exploration, simulation, or review—may expose areas of uncertainty within the model and the software to which the model refers. These uncertainties or unanswered questions regarding the requirements, design, and/or implementation can then be handled appropriately
The primary expression element of a model is an entity. An entity may represent concrete artifacts (for example, processors, sensors, or robots) or abstract artifacts (for example, software modules or communication protocols). Model entities are connected to other entities using relations (in other words, lines or textual operators on target entities). Expression of model entities may be accomplished using textual or graphical modeling languages; both modeling language types connect model entities through specific language constructs. The meaning of an entity may be represented by its shape, textual attributes, or both. Generally, textual information adheres to language-specific syntactic structure. The precise meanings related to the modeling of context, structure, or behavior using these entities and relations is dependent on the modeling language used, the design rigor applied to the modeling effort, the specific view being constructed, and the entity to which the specific notation element may be attached. Multiple views of the model may be required to capture the needed semantics of the software.
When using models supported with automation, models may be checked for completeness and consistency. The usefulness of these checks depends greatly on the level of semantic and syntactic rigor applied to the modeling effort in addition to explicit tool support. Correctness is typically checked through simulation and/or review
Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics
Models can be surprisingly deceptive. The fact that a model is an abstraction with missing information can lead one into a false sense of completely understanding the software from a single model. A complete model (“complete” being relative to the modeling effort) may be a union of multiple submodels and any special function models. Examination and decision-making relative to a single model within this collection of submodels may be problematic.
Understanding the precise meanings of modeling constructs can also be difficult. Modeling languages are defined by syntactic and semantic rules. For textual languages, syntax is defined using a notation grammar that defines valid language constructs (for example, Backus-Naur Form (BNF)). For graphical languages, syntax is defined using graphical models called metamodels. As with BNF, metamodels define the valid syntactical constructs of a graphical modeling language; the metamodel defines how these constructs can be composed to produce valid models.
Semantics for modeling languages specify the meaning attached to the entities and relations captured within the model. For example, a simple diagram of two boxes connected by a line is open to a variety of interpretations. Knowing that the diagram on which the boxes are placed and connected is an object diagram or an activity diagram can assist in the interpretation of this model.
As a practical matter, there is usually a good understanding of the semantics of a specific software model due to the modeling language selected, how that modeling language is used to express entities and relations within that model, the experience base of the modeler(s), and the context within which the modeling has been undertaken and so represented. Meaning is communicated through the model even in the presence of incomplete information through abstraction; pragmatics explains how meaning is embodied in the model and its context and communicated effectively to other software engineers.
There are still instances, however, where caution is needed regarding modeling and semantics. For example, any model parts imported from another model or library must be examined for semantic assumptions that conflict in the new modeling environment; this may not be obvious. The model should be checked for documented assumptions. While modeling syntax may be identical, the model may mean something quite different in the new environment, which is a different context. Also, consider that as software matures and changes are made, semantic discord can be introduced, leading to errors. With many software engineers working on a model part over time coupled with tool updates and perhaps new requirements, there are opportunities for portions of the model to represent something different from the original author’s intent and initial model context.
Preconditions, Postconditions, and Invariants
When modeling functions or methods, the software engineer typically starts with a set of assumptions about the state of the software prior to, during, and after the function or method executes. These assumptions are essential to the correct operation of the function or method and are grouped, for discussion, as a set of preconditions, postconditions, and invariants.
• Preconditions: a set of conditions that must be satisfied prior to execution of the function or method. If these preconditions do not hold prior to execution of the function or method, the function or method may produce erroneous results.
• Postconditions: a set of conditions that is guaranteed to be true after the function or method has executed successfully. Typically, the postconditions represent how the state of the software has changed, how parameters passed to the function or method have changed, how data values have changed, or how the return value has been affected.
• Invariants: a set of conditions within the operational environment that persist (in other words, do not change) before and after execution of the function or method. These invariants are relevant and necessary to the software and the correct operation of the function or method.
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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000069
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