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7 - Software Engineering Management - 8 - Software Engineering Management Tools

Software engineering management tools are often used to provide visibility and control of software engineering management processes. Some tools are automated while others are manually implemented. There has been a recent trend towards the use of integrated suites of software engineering tools that are used throughout a project to plan, collect and record, monitor and control, and report project and product information. Tools can be divided into the following categories:
Project Planning and Tracking Tools. 
Project planning and tracking tools can be used to estimate project effort and cost and to prepare project schedules. Some projects use automated estimation tools that accept as input the estimated size and other characteristics of a software product and produce estimates of the required total effort, schedule, and cost. Planning tools also include automated scheduling tools that analyze the tasks within a work breakdown structure, their estimated durations, their precedence relationships, and the resources assigned to each task to produce a schedule in the form of a Gantt chart. Tracking tools can be used to track project milestones, regularly scheduled project status meetings, scheduled iteration cycles, product demonstrations, and/or action items.
Risk Management Tools.
Risk management tools (see section 2.5, Risk Management) can be used to track risk identification, estimation, and monitoring. These tools include the use of approaches such as simulation or decision trees to analyze the effect of costs versus payoffs and subjective estimates of the probabilities of risk events. Monte Carlo simulation tools can be used to produce probability distributions of effort, schedule, and risk by combining multiple input probability distributions in an algorithmic manner.
Communications Tools.
Communication tools can assist in providing timely and consistent information to relevant stakeholders involved in a project. These tools can include things like email notifications and broadcasts to team members and stakeholders. They also include communication of minutes from regularly scheduled project meetings, daily stand-up meetings, plus charts showing progress, backlogs, and maintenance request resolutions.
Measurement Tools. 
Measurement tools support activities related to the software measurement program (see topic 6, Software Engineering Measurement). There are few completely automated tools in this category. Measurement tools used to gather, analyze, and report project measurement data may be based on spreadsheets developed by project team members or organizational employees.

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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000059

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Passionate about new technology ( Software Engineering ) and how to build,manage and maintain them
