An engineering process consists of a set of interrelated activities that transform one or more inputs into outputs while consuming resources to accomplish the transformation. Many of the processes of traditional engineering disciplines (e.g., electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical) are concerned with transforming energy and physical entities from one form into another, as in a hydroelectric dam that transforms potential energy into electrical energy or a petroleum refinery that uses chemical processes to transform crude oil into gasoline.
software engineering processes are concerned with work activities accomplished by software engineers to develop, maintain, and operate software, such as requirements, design, construction, testing, configuration management, and other software engineering processes. For readability, “software engineering process” will be referred to as “software process” in this KA. In addition, please note that “software process” denotes work activities—not the execution process for implemented software.
Software processes are specified for a number of reasons: to facilitate human understanding, communication, and coordination; to aid management of software projects; to measure and improve the quality of software products in an efficient manner; to support process improvement; and to provide a basis for automated support of process execution.
SWEBOK KAs closely related to this Software Engineering Process KA include Software Engineering Management, Software Engineering Models and Methods, and Software Quality; the Measurement and Root Cause Analysis topic found in the Engineering Foundations KA is also closely related. Software Engineering Management is concerned with tailoring, adapting, and implementing software processes for a specific software project (see Process Planning in the Software Engineering Management KA). Models and methods support a systematic approach to software development and modification.
The Software Quality KA is concerned with the planning, assurance, and control processes for project and product quality. Measurement and measurement results in the Engineering Foundations KA are essential for evaluating and controlling software processes.
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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000061
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