This topic is concerned with a definition of software process, software process management, and software process infrastructure
As stated above, a software process is a set of interrelated activities and tasks that transform input work products into output work products. At minimum, the description of a software process includes required inputs, transforming work activities, and outputs generated. As illustrated in Figure 8.2, a software process may also include its entry and exit criteria and decomposition of the work activities into tasks, which are the smallest units of work subject to management accountability. A process input may be a triggering event or the output of another process. Entry criteria should be satisfied before a process can commence. All specified conditions should be satisfied before a process can be successfully concluded, including the acceptance criteria for the output work product or work products.
A software process may include subprocesses. For example, software requirements validation is a process used to determine whether the requirements will provide an adequate basis for software development; it is a subprocess of the software requirements process. Inputs for requirements validation are typically a software requirements specification and the resources needed to perform validation (personnel, validation tools, sufficient time). The tasks of the requirements validation activity might include requirements reviews, prototyping, and model validation. These tasks involve work assignments for individuals and teams. The output of requirements validation is typically a validated software requirements specification that provides inputs to the software design and software testing processes. Requirements validation and other subprocesses of the software requirements process are often interleaved and iterated in various ways;the software requirements process and its subprocesses may be entered and exited multiple times during software development or modification. Complete definition of a software process may also include the roles and competencies, IT support, software engineering techniques and tools, and work environment needed to perform the process, as well as the approaches and measures (Key Performance Indicators) used to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of performing the process.
In addition, a software process may include interleaved technical, collaborative, and administrative activities.
Notations for defining software processes include textual lists of constituent activities and tasks described in natural language; data-flow diagrams; state charts; BPMN; IDEF0; Petri nets; and UML activity diagrams. The transforming tasks within a process may be defined as procedures; a procedure may be specified as an ordered set of steps or, alternatively, as a checklist of the work to be accomplished in performing a task. It must be emphasized that there is no best software process or set of software processes. Software processes must be selected, adapted, and applied as appropriate for each project and each organizational context. No ideal process, or set of processes, exists.
Software Process Management
Two objectives of software process management are to realize the efficiency and effectiveness that result from a systematic approach to accomplishing software processes and producing work products—be it at the individual, project, or organizational level—and to introduce new or improved processes. Processes are changed with the expectation that a new or modified process will improve the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the process and the quality of the resulting work products. Changing to a new process, improving an existing process, organizational change, and infrastructure change (technology insertion or changes in tools) are closely related, as all are usually initiated with the goal of improving the cost, development schedule, or quality of the software products. Process change has impacts not only for the software product; they often lead to organizational change. Changing a process or introducing a new process can have ripple effects throughout an organization. For example, changes in IT infrastructure tools and technology often require process changes.
Existing processes may be modified when other new processes are deployed for the first time (for example, introducing an inspection activity within a software development project will likely impact the software testing process— see Reviews and Audits in the Software Quality KA and in the Software Testing KA). These situations can also be termed “process evolution.” If the modifications are extensive, then changes in the organizational culture and business model will likely be necessary to accommodate the process changes.
Software Process Infrastructure
Establishing, implementing, and managing software processes and software life cycle models often occurs at the level of individual software projects. However, systematic application of software processes and software life cycle models across an organization can provide benefits to all software work within the organization, although it requires commitment at the organizational level. A software process infrastructure can provide process definitions, policies for interpreting and applying the processes, and descriptions of the procedures to be used to implement the processes. Additionally, a software process infrastructure may provide funding, tools, training, and staff members who have been assigned responsibilities for establishing and maintaining the software process infrastructure.
Software process infrastructure varies, depending on the size and complexity of the organization and the projects undertaken within the organization. Small, simple organizations and projects have small, simple infrastructure needs. Large, complex organizations and projects, by necessity, have larger and more complex software process infrastructures. In the latter case, various organizational units may be established (such as a software engineering process group or a steering committee) to oversee implementation and improvement of the software processes.
A common misperception is that establishing a software process infrastructure and implementing repeatable software processes will add time and cost to software development and maintenance. There is a cost associated with introducing or improving a software process; however, experience has shown that implementing systematic improvement of software processes tends to result in lower cost through improved efficiency, avoidance of rework, and more reliable and affordable software. Process performance thus influences software product quality.
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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000062
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