This topic addresses software process assessment models, software process assessment methods, software process improvement models, and continuous and staged process ratings. Software process assessments are used to evaluate the form and content of a software process, which may be specified by a standardized set of criteria. In some instances, the terms “process appraisal” and “capability evaluation” are used instead of process assessment. Capability evaluations are typically performed by an acquirer (or potential acquirer) or by an external agent on behalf of an acquirer (or potential acquirer). The results are used as an indicator of whether the software processes used by a supplier (or potential supplier) are acceptable to the acquirer. Performance appraisals are typically performed within an organization to identify software processes in need of improvement or to determine whether a process (or processes) satisfies the criteria at a given level of process capability or maturity.
Process assessments are performed at the levels of entire organizations, organizational units within organizations, and individual projects. Assessment may involve issues such as assessing whether software process entry and exit criteria are being met, to review risk factors and risk management, or to identify lessons learned. Process assessment is carried out using both an assessment model and an assessment method. The model can provide a norm for a bench-marking comparison among projects within an organization and among organizations.
A process audit differs from a process assessment. Assessments are performed to determine levels of capability or maturity and to identify software processes to be improved. Audits are typically conducted to ascertain compliance with policies and standards. Audits provide management visibility into the actual operations being performed in the organization so that accurate and meaningful decisions can be made concerning issues that are impacting a development project, a maintenance activity, or a software-related topic.
Success factors for software process assessment and improvement within software engineering organizations include management sponsorship, planning, training, experienced and capable leaders, team commitment, expectation management, the use of change agents, plus pilot projects and experimentation with tools. Additional factors include independence of the assessor and the timeliness of the assessment.
Software Process Assessment Models
Software process assessment models typically include assessment criteria for software processes that are regarded as constituting good practices. These practices may address software development processes only, or they may also include topics such as software maintenance, software project management, systems engineering, or human resources management.
Software Process Assessment Method
A software process assessment method can be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative assessments rely on the judgment of experts; quantitative assessments assign numerical scores to software processes based on analysis of objective evidence that indicates attainment of the goals and outcomes of a defined software process. For example, a quantitative assessment of the software inspection process might be performed by examining the procedural steps followed and results obtained plus data concerning defects found and time required to find and fix the defects as compared to software testing.
A typical method of software process assessment includes planning, fact-finding (by collecting evidence through questionnaires, interviews, and observation of work practices), collection and validation of process data, and analysis and reporting. Process assessments may rely on the subjective, qualitative judgment of the assessor, or on the objective presence or absence of defined artifacts, records, and other evidence.
The activities performed during a software process assessment and the distribution of effort for assessment activities are different depending on the purpose of the software process assessment. Software process assessments may be undertaken to develop capability ratings used to make recommendations for process improvements or may be undertaken to obtain a process maturity rating in order to qualify for a contract or award.
The quality of assessment results depends on the software process assessment method, the integrity and quality of the obtained data, the assessment team’s capability and objectivity, and the evidence examined during the assessment. The goal of a software process assessment is to gain insight that will establish the current status of a process or processes and provide a basis for process improvement; performing a software process assessment by following a checklist for conformance without gaining insight adds little value.
Software Process Improvement Models
Software process improvement models emphasize iterative cycles of continuous improvement. A software process improvement cycle typically involves the subprocesses of measuring, analyzing, and changing. The Plan-Do-Check-Act model is a well-known iterative approach to software process improvement. Improvement activities include identifying and prioritizing desired improvements (planning); introducing an improvement, including change management and training (doing); evaluating the improvement as compared to previous or exemplary process results and costs (checking); and making further modifications (acting). The Plan-Do-Check-Act process improvement model can be applied, for example, to improve software processes that enhance defect prevention.
Continuous and Staged Software Process Ratings
Software process capability and software process maturity are typically rated using five or six levels to characterize the capability or maturity of the software processes used within an organization.
A continuous rating system involves assigning a rating to each software process of interest; a staged rating system is established by assigning the same maturity rating to all of the software processes within a specified process level. A representation of continuous and staged process levels is provided in Table 8.1. Continuous models typically use a level 0 rating; staged models typically do not.
In Table 8.1, level 0 indicates that a software process is incompletely performed or may not be performed. At level 1, a software process is being performed (capability rating), or the software processes in a maturity level 1 group are being performed but on an ad hoc, informal basis. At level 2, a software process (capability rating) or the processes in maturity level 2 are being performed in a manner that provides management visibility into intermediate work products and can exert some control over transitions between processes. At level 3, a single software process or the processes in a maturity level 3 group plus the process or processes in maturity level 2 are well defined (perhaps in organizational policies and procedures) and are being repeated across different projects. Level 3 of process capability or maturity provides the basis for process improvement across an organization because the process is (or processes are) conducted in a similar manner. This allows collection of performance data in a uniform manner across multiple projects. At maturity level 4, quantitative measures can be applied and used for process assessment; statistical analysis may be used. At maturity level 5, the mechanisms for continuous process improvements are applied.
Continuous and staged representations can be used to determine the order in which software processes are to be improved. In the continuous representation, the different capability levels for different software processes provide a guideline for determining the order in which software processes will be improved. In the staged representation, satisfying the goals of a set of software processes within a maturity level is accomplished for that maturity level, which provides a foundation for improving all of the software processes at the next higher level.
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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000064
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