This topic addresses software process and product measurement, quality of measurement results, software information models, and software process measurement techniques
Before a new process is implemented or a current process is modified, measurement results for the current situation should be obtained to provide a baseline for comparison between the current situation and the new situation. For example, before introducing the software inspection process, effort required to fix defects discovered by testing should be measured. Following an initial start-up period after the inspection process is introduced, the combined effort of inspection plus testing can be compared to the previous amount of effort required for testing alone. Similar considerations apply if a process is changed.
Software Process and Product Measurement
Software process and product measurement are concerned with determining the efficiency and effectiveness of a software process, activity, or task. The efficiency of a software process, activity, or task is the ratio of resources actually consumed to resources expected or desired to be consumed in accomplishing a software process, activity, or task (see Efficiency in the Software Engineering Economics KA). Effort (or equivalent cost) is the primary measure of resources for most software processes, activities, and tasks; it is measured in units such as person-hours, person-days, staffweeks, or staff-months of effort or in equivalent monetary units—such as euros or dollars
Effectiveness is the ratio of actual output to expected output produced by a software process, activity, or task; for example, actual number of defects detected and corrected during software testing to expected number of defects to be detected and corrected—perhaps based on historical data for similar projects (see Effectiveness in the Software Engineering Economics KA). Note that measurement of software process effectiveness requires measurement of the relevant product attributes; for example, measurement of software defects discovered and corrected during software testing.
One must take care when measuring product attributes for the purpose of determining process effectiveness. For example, the number of defects detected and corrected by testing may not achieve the expected number of defects and thus provide a misleadingly low effectiveness measure, either because the software being tested is of betterthan-usual quality or perhaps because introduction of a newly introduced upstream inspection process has reduced the remaining number of defects in the software.
Product measures that may be important in determining the effectiveness of software processes include product complexity, total defects, defect density, and the quality of requirements, design documentation, and other related work products.
Also note that efficiency and effectiveness are independent concepts. An effective software process can be inefficient in achieving a desired software process result; for example, the amount of effort expended to find and fix software defects could be very high and result in low efficiency, as compared to expectations.
An efficient process can be ineffective in accomplishing the desired transformation of input work products into output work products; for example, failure to find and correct a sufficient number of software defects during the testing process.
Causes of low efficiency and/or low effectiveness in the way a software process, activity, or task is executed might include one or more of the following problems: deficient input work products, inexperienced personnel, lack of adequate tools and infrastructure, learning a new process, a complex product, or an unfamiliar product domain. The efficiency and effectiveness of software process execution are also affected (either positively or negatively) by factors such as turnover in software personnel, schedule changes, a new customer representative, or a new organizational policy.
In software engineering, productivity in performing a process, activity, or task is the ratio of output produced divided by resources consumed; for example, the number of software defects discovered and corrected divided by person-hours of effort (see Productivity in the Software Engineering Economics KA). Accurate measurement of productivity must include total effort used to satisfy the exit criteria of a software process, activity, or task; for example, the effort required to correct defects discovered during software testing must be included in software development productivity.
Calculation of productivity must account for the context in which the work is accomplished. For example, the effort to correct discovered defects will be included in the productivity calculation of a software team if team members correct the defects they find—as in unit testing by software developers or in a cross-functional agile team. Or the productivity calculation may include either the effort of the software developers or the effort of an independent testing team, depending on who fixes the defects found by the independent testers. Note that this example refers to the effort of teams of developers or teams of testers and not to individuals. Software productivity calculated at the level of individuals can be misleading because of the many factors that can affect the individual productivity of software engineers.
Standardized definitions and counting rules for measurement of software processes and work products are necessary to provide standardized measurement results across projects within an organization, to populate a repository of historical data that can be analyzed to identify software processes that need to be improved, and to build predictive models based on accumulated data. In the example above, definitions of software defects and staff-hours of testing effort plus counting rules for defects and effort would be necessary to obtain satisfactory measurement results.
The extent to which the software process is institutionalized is important; failure to institutionalize a software process may explain why “good” software processes do not always produce anticipated results. Software processes may be institutionalized by adoption within the local organizational unit or across larger units of an enterprise
Quality of Measurement Results
The quality of process and product measurement results is primarily determined by the reliability and validity of the measured results. Measurements that do not satisfy these quality criteria can result in incorrect interpretations and faulty software process improvement initiatives. Other desirable properties of software measurements include ease of collection, analysis, and presentation plus a strong correlation between cause and effect.
The Software Engineering Measurement topic in the Software Engineering Management KA describes a process for implementing a software measurement program.
Software Information Models
Software information models allow modeling, analysis, and prediction of software process and software product attributes to provide answers to relevant questions and achieve process and product improvement goals. Needed data can be collected and retained in a repository; the data can be analyzed and models can be constructed. Validation and refinement of software information models occur during software projects and after projects are completed to ensure that the level of accuracy is sufficient and that their limitations are known and understood. Software information models may also be developed for contexts other than software projects; for example, a software information model might be developed for processes that apply across an organization, such as software configuration management or software quality assurance processes at the organizational level.
Analysis-driven software information model building involves the development, calibration, and evaluation of a model. A software information model is developed by establishing a hypothesized transformation of input variables into desired outputs; for example, product size and complexity might be transformed into estimated effort needed to develop a software product using a regression equation developed from observed data from past projects. A model is calibrated by adjusting parameters in the model to match observed results from past projects; for example, the exponent in a nonlinear regression model might be changed by applying the regression equation to a different set of past projects other than the projects used to develop the model.
A model is evaluated by comparing computed results to actual outcomes for a different set of similar data. There are three possible evaluation outcomes:
1.results computed for a different data set vary widely from actual outcomes for that data set, in which case the derived model is not applicable for the new data set and should not be applied to analyze or make predictions for future projects;
2.results computed for a new data set are close to actual outcomes for that data set, in which case minor adjustments are made to the parameters of the model to improve agreement;
3.results computed for the new data set and subsequent data sets are very close and no adjustments to the model are needed.
Continuous evaluation of the model may indicate a need for adjustments over time as the context in which the model is applied changes.
The Goals/Questions/Metrics (GQM) method was originally intended for establishing measurement activities, but it can also be used to guide analysis and improvement of software processes.
It can be used to guide analysis-driven software information model building; results obtained from the software information model can be used to guide process improvement.
The following example illustrates application of the GQM method:
• Goal: Reduce the average change request processing time by 10% within six months.
• Question 1-1: What is the baseline change request processing time?
• Metric 1-1-1: Average of change request processing times on starting date
• Metric 1-1-2: Standard deviation of change request processing times on starting date • Question 1-2: What is the current change request processing time?
• Metric 1-2-1: Average of change request processing times currently
• Metric 1-2-2: Standard deviation of change request processing times currently
Software Process Measurement Techniques
Software process measurement techniques are used to collect process data and work product data, transform the data into useful information, and analyze the information to identify process activities that are candidates for improvement. In some cases, new software processes may be needed
Process measurement techniques also provide the information needed to measure the effects of process improvement initiatives. Process measurement techniques can be used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data.
Quantitative Process Measurement Techniques
The purpose of quantitative process measurement techniques is to collect, transform, and analyze quantitative process and work product data that can be used to indicate where process improvements are needed and to assess the results of process improvement initiatives. Quantitative process measurement techniques are used to collect and analyze data in numerical form to which mathematical and statistical techniques can be applied.
byproduct of software processes. For example, the number of defects discovered during software testing and the staff-hours expended can be collected by direct measurement, and the productivity of defect discovery can be derived by calculating defects discovered per staff-hour.
Basic tools for quality control can be used to analyze quantitative process measurement data (e.g., check sheets, Pareto diagrams, histograms, scatter diagrams, run charts, control charts, and cause-and-effect diagrams) (see Root Cause Analysis in the Engineering Foundations KA). In addition, various statistical techniques can be used that range from calculation of medians and means to multivariate analysis methods (see Statistical Analysis in the Engineering Foundations KA).
Data collected using quantitative process measurement techniques can also be used as inputs to simulation models (see Modeling, Prototyping, and Simulation in the Engineering Foundations KA); these models can be used to assess the impact of various approaches to software process improvement
Orthogonal Defect Classification (ODC) can be used to analyze quantitative process measurement data. ODC can be used to group detected defects into categories and link the defects in each category to the software process or software processes where a group of defects originated (see Defect Characterization in the Software Quality KA). Software interface defects, for example, may have originated during an inadequate software design process; improving the software design process will reduce the number of software interface defects. ODC can provide quantitative data for applying root cause analysis.
Statistical Process Control can be used to track process stability, or the lack of process stability, using control charts.
Qualitative Process Measurement Techniques
Qualitative process measurement techniques— including interviews, questionnaires, and expert judgment—can be used to augment quantitative process measurement techniques. Group consensus techniques, including the Delphi technique, can be used to obtain consensus among groups of stakeholders.
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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000065
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