Software process tools support many of the notations used to define, implement, and manage individual software processes and software life cycle models. They include editors for notations such as data-flow diagrams, state charts, BPMN, IDEF0 diagrams, Petri nets, and UML activity diagrams. In some cases, software process tools allow different types of analyses and simulations (for example, discrete event simulation). In addition, general purpose business tools, such as a spreadsheet, may be useful.
Computer-Assisted Software Engineering (CASE) tools can reinforce the use of integrated processes, support the execution of process definitions, and provide guidance to humans in performing well-defined processes. Simple tools such as word processors and spreadsheets can be used to prepare textual descriptions of processes, activities, and tasks; these tools also support traceability among the inputs and outputs of multiple software processes (such as stakeholder needs analysis, software requirements specification, software architecture, and software detailed design) as well as the results of software processes such as documentation, software components, test cases, and problem reports.
Most of the knowledge areas in this Guide describe specialized tools that can be used to manage the processes within that KA. In particular, see the Software Configuration Management KA for a discussion of software configuration management tools that can be used to manage the construction, integration, and release processes for software products. Other tools, such as those for requirements management and testing, are described in the appropriate KAs.
Software process tools can support projects that involve geographically dispersed (virtual) teams. Increasingly, software process tools are available through cloud computing facilities as well as through dedicated infrastructures.
A project control panel or dashboard can display selected process and product attributes for software projects and indicate measurements that are within control limits and those needing corrective action.
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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000066
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