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10 - Software Quality - 1 - Software Quality Fundamentals

Reaching agreement on what constitutes quality for all stakeholders and clearly communicating that agreement to software engineers require that the many aspects of quality be formally defined and discussed.

A software engineer should understand quality concepts, characteristics, values, and their application to the software under development or maintenance. The important concept is that the software requirements define the required quality attributes of the software. Software requirements influence the measurement methods and acceptance criteria for assessing the degree to which the software and related documentation achieve the desired quality levels.

  Software Engineering Culture and Ethics
Software engineers are expected to share a commitment to software quality as part of their culture. A healthy software engineering culture includes many characteristics, including the understanding that tradeoffs among cost, schedule, and quality are a basic tenant of the engineering of any product. A strong software engineering ethic assumes that engineers accurately report information, conditions, and outcomes related to quality.

Ethics also play a significant role in software quality, the culture, and the attitudes of software engineers. The IEEE Computer Society and the ACM have developed a code of ethics and professional practice (see Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct in the Software Engineering Professional Practice KA).

Value and Costs of Quality 
Defining and then achieving software quality is not simple. Quality characteristics may or may not be required, or they may be required to a greater or lesser degree, and tradeoffs may be made among them. To help determine the level of software quality, i.e., achieving stakeholder value, this section presents cost of software quality (CoSQ): a set of measurements derived from the economic assessment of software quality development and maintenance processes. The CoSQ measurements are examples of process measurements that may be used to infer characteristics of a product.

The premise underlying the CoSQ is that the level of quality in a software product can be inferred from the cost of activities related to dealing with the consequences of poor quality. Poor quality means that the software product does not fully “satisfy stated and implied needs” or “established requirements.” There are four cost of quality categories: prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and external failure.

Prevention costs include investments in software process improvement efforts, quality infrastructure, quality tools, training, audits, and management reviews. These costs are usually not specific to a project; they span the organization. Appraisal costs arise from project activities that find defects. These appraisal activities can be categorized into costs of reviews (design, peer) and costs of testing (software unit testing, software integration, system level testing, acceptance testing); appraisal costs would be extended to subcontracted software suppliers. Costs of internal failures are those that are incurred to fix defects found during appraisal activities and discovered prior to delivery of the software product to the customer. External failure costs include activities to respond to software problems discovered after delivery to the customer.

Software engineers should be able to use CoSQ methods to ascertain levels of software quality and should also be able to present quality alternatives and their costs so that tradeoffs between cost, schedule, and delivery of stakeholder value can be made.

Models and Quality Characteristics
Terminology for software quality characteristics differs from one taxonomy (or model of software quality) to another, each model perhaps having a different number of hierarchical levels and a different total number of characteristics. Various authors have produced models of software quality characteristics or attributes that can be useful for discussing, planning, and rating the quality of software products. ISO/IEC 25010: 2011 [4] defines product quality and quality in use as two related quality models. Appendix B in the SWEBOK Guide provides a list of applicable standards for each KA. Standards for this KA cover various ways of characterizing software quality.

Software Process Quality
Software quality management and software engineering process quality have a direct bearing on the quality of the software product.

Models and criteria that evaluate the capabilities of software organizations are primarily project organization and management considerations and, as such, are covered in the Software Engineering Management and Software Engineering Process KAs.

It is not possible to completely distinguish process quality from product quality because process outcomes include products. Determining whether a process has the capability to consistently produce products of desired quality is not simple.

The software engineering process, discussed in the Software Engineering Process KA, influences the quality characteristics of software products, which in turn affect quality as perceived by stakeholders.

Software Product Quality
The software engineer, first of all, must determine the real purpose of the software. In this regard, stakeholder requirements are paramount, and they include quality requirements in addition to functional requirements. Thus, software engineers have a responsibility to elicit quality requirements that may not be explicit at the outset and to understand their importance as well as the level of difficulty in attaining them. All software development processes (e.g., eliciting requirements, designing, constructing, building, checking, improving quality) are designed with these quality requirements in mind and may carry additional development costs if attributes such as safety, security, and dependability are important. The additional development costs help ensure that quality obtained can be traded off against the anticipated benefits.

The term work-product means any artifact that is the outcome of a process used to create the final software product. Examples of a work-product include a system/subsystem specification, a software requirements specification for a software component of a system, a software design description, source code, software test documentation, or reports. While some treatments of quality are described in terms of final software and system performance, sound engineering practice requires that intermediate work-products relevant to quality be evaluated throughout the software engineering process.

Software Quality Improvement
The quality of software products can be improved through preventative processes or an iterative process of continual improvement, which requires management control, coordination, and feedback from many concurrent processes: (1) the software life cycle processes, (2) the process of fault/defect detection, removal, and prevention, and (3) the quality improvement process.

The theory and concepts behind quality improvement—such as building in quality through the prevention and early detection of defects, continual improvement, and stakeholder focus—are pertinent to software engineering. These concepts are based on the work of experts in quality who have stated that the quality of a product is directly linked to the quality of the process used to create it. Approaches such as the Deming improvement cycle of Plan-Do-CheckAct (PDCA), evolutionary delivery, kaizen, and quality function deployment (QFD) offer techniques to specify quality objectives and determine whether they are met. The Software Engineering Institute’s IDEAL is another method [7*]. Quality management is now recognized by the SWEBOK Guide as an important discipline.

Management sponsorship supports process and product evaluations and the resulting findings. Then an improvement program is developed identifying detailed actions and improvement projects to be addressed in a feasible time frame. Management support implies that each improvement project has enough resources to achieve the goal defined for it. Management sponsorship is solicited frequently by implementing proactive communication activities.

Software Safety
Safety-critical systems are those in which a system failure could harm human life, other living things, physical structures, or the environment. The software in these systems is safety-critical. There are increasing numbers of applications of safety-critical software in a growing number of industries. Examples of systems with safetycritical software include mass transit systems, chemical manufacturing plants, and medical devices. The failure of software in these systems could have catastrophic effects. There are industry standards, such as DO-178C [11], and emerging processes, tools, and techniques for developing safetycritical software. The intent of these standards, tools, and techniques is to reduce the risk of injecting faults into the software and thus improve software reliability.

Safety-critical software can be categorized as direct or indirect. Direct is that software embedded in a safety-critical system, such as the flight control computer of an aircraft. Indirect includes software applications used to develop safetycritical software. Indirect software is included in software engineering environments and software test environments.

Three complementary techniques for reducing the risk of failure are avoidance, detection and removal, and damage limitation. These techniques impact software functional requirements, software performance requirements, and development processes. Increasing levels of risk imply increasing levels of software quality assurance and control techniques such as inspections. Higher risk levels may necessitate more thorough inspections of requirements, design, and code or the use of more formal analytical techniques. Another technique for managing and controlling software risk is building assurance cases. An assurance case is a reasoned, auditable artifact created to support the contention that its claim or claims are satisfied. It contains the following and their relationships: one or more claims about properties; arguments that logically link the evidence and any assumptions to the claims; and a body of evidence and assumptions supporting these arguments [12].

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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000075

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Passionate about new technology ( Software Engineering ) and how to build,manage and maintain them
