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10 - Software Quality - 2 - Software Quality Management Processes

Software quality management is the collection of all processes that ensure that software products, services, and life cycle process implementations meet organizational software quality objectives and achieve stakeholder satisfaction [13, 14]. SQM defines processes, process owners, requirements for the processes, measurements of the processes and their outputs, and feedback channels throughout the whole software life cycle.

SQM comprises four subcategories: software quality planning, software quality assurance (SQA), software quality control (SQC), and software process improvement (SPI). Software quality planning includes determining which quality standards are to be used, defining specific quality goals, and estimating the effort and schedule of software quality activities. In some cases, software quality planning also includes defining the software quality processes to be used. SQA activities define and assess the adequacy of software processes to provide evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate for and produce software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes [5]. SQC activities examine specific project artifacts (documents and executables) to determine whether they comply with standards established for the project (including requirements, constraints, designs, contracts, and plans). SQC evaluates intermediate products as well as the final products.

The fourth SQM category dealing with improvement has various names within the software industry, including SPI, software quality improvement, and software corrective and preventive action. The activities in this category seek to improve process effectiveness, efficiency, and other characteristics with the ultimate goal of improving software quality. Although SPI could be included in any of the first three categories, an increasing number of organizations organize SPI into a separate category that may span across many projects (see the Software Engineering Process KA).

Software quality processes consist of tasks and techniques to indicate how software plans (e.g., software management, development, quality management, or configuration management plans) are being implemented and how well the intermediate and final products are meeting their specified requirements. Results from these tasks are assembled in reports for management before corrective action is taken. The management of an SQM process is tasked with ensuring that the results of these reports are accurate.

Risk management can also play an important role in delivering quality software. Incorporating disciplined risk analysis and management techniques into the software life cycle processes can help improve product quality (see the Software Engineering Management KA for related material on risk management).

Software Quality Assurance
To quell a widespread misunderstanding, software quality assurance is not testing. software quality assurance (SQA) is a set of activities that define and assess the adequacy of software processes to provide evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate and produce software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes. A key attribute of SQA is the objectivity of the SQA function with respect to the project. The SQA function may also be organizationally independent of the project; that is, free from technical, managerial, and financial pressures from the project [5]. SQA has two aspects: product assurance and process assurance, which are explained in section 2.3.

The software quality plan (in some industry sectors it is termed the software quality assurance plan) defines the activities and tasks employed to ensure that software developed for a specific product satisfies the project’s established requirements and user needs within project cost and schedule constraints and is commensurate with project risks. The SQAP first ensures that quality targets are clearly defined and understood.

The SQA plan’s quality activities and tasks are specified with their costs, resource requirements, objectives, and schedule in relation to related objectives in the software engineering management, software development, and software maintenance plans. The SQA plan should be consistent with the software configuration management plan (see the Software Configuration Management KA). The SQA plan identifies documents, standards, practices, and conventions governing the project and how these items are checked and monitored to ensure adequacy and compliance. The SQA plan also identifies measures; statistical techniques; procedures for problem reporting and corrective action; resources such as tools, techniques, and methodologies; security for physical media; training; and SQA reporting and documentation. Moreover, the SQA plan addresses the software quality assurance activities of any other type of activity described in the software plans—such as procurement of supplier software for the project, commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) installation, and service after delivery of the software. It can also contain acceptance criteria as well as reporting and management activities that are critical to software quality.

Verification & Validation
The purpose of V&V is to help the development organization build quality into the system during the life cycle. V&V processes provide an objective assessment of products and processes throughout the life cycle. This assessment demonstrates whether the requirements are correct, complete, accurate, consistent, and testable. The V&V processes determine whether the development products of a given activity conform to the requirements of that activity and whether the product satisfies its intended use and user needs.

Verification is an attempt to ensure that the product is built correctly, in the sense that the output products of an activity meet the specifications imposed on them in previous activities. Validation is an attempt to ensure that the right product is built—that is, the product fulfills its specific intended purpose. Both the verification process and the validation process begin early in the development or maintenance phase. They provide an examination of key product features in relation to both the product’s immediate predecessor and the specifications to be met.

The purpose of planning V&V is to ensure that each resource, role, and responsibility is clearly assigned. The resulting V&V plan documents describe the various resources and their roles and activities, as well as the techniques and tools to be used. An understanding of the different purposes of each V&V activity helps in the careful planning of the techniques and resources needed to fulfill their purposes. The plan also addresses the management, communication, policies, and procedures of the V&V activities and their interaction, as well as defect reporting and documentation requirements.

Reviews and Audits
Reviews and audit processes are broadly defined as static—meaning that no software programs or models are executed—examination of software engineering artifacts with respect to standards that have been established by the organization or project for those artifacts. Different types of reviews and audits are distinguished by their purpose, levels of independence, tools and techniques, roles, and by the subject of the activity. Product assurance and process assurance audits are typically conducted by software quality assurance (SQA) personnel who are independent of development  teams. Management reviews are conducted by organizational or project management. The engineering staff conducts technical reviews.

• Management reviews evaluate actual project results with respect to plans.
• Technical reviews (including inspections, walkthrough, and desk checking) examine engineering work-products.
• Process assurance audits. SQA process assurance activities make certain that the processes used to develop, install, operate, and maintain software conform to contracts, comply with any imposed laws, rules, and regulations and are adequate, efficient and effective for their intended purpose [5].
• Product assurance audits. SQA product assurance activities make certain to provide evidence that software products and related documentation are identified in and comply with contracts; and ensure that nonconformances are identified and addressed [5].

Management Reviews
The purpose of a management review is to monitor progress, determine the status of plans and schedules, and evaluate the effectiveness of management processes, tools and techniques. Management reviews compare actual project results against plans to determine the status of projects or maintenance efforts. The main parameters of management reviews are project cost, schedule, scope, and quality. Management reviews evaluate decisions about corrective actions, changes in the allocation of resources, or changes to the scope of the project.

Inputs to management reviews may include audit reports, progress reports, V&V reports, and plans of many types, including risk management, project management, software configuration management, software safety, and risk assessment, among others. (Refer to the Software Engineering Management and the Software Configuration Management KAs for related material.)

Technical Reviews

 The purpose of a technical review is to evaluate a software product by a team of qualified personnel to determine its suitability for its intended use and identify discrepancies from specifications and standards. It provides management with evidence to confirm the technical status of the project.

Although any work-product can be reviewed, technical reviews are performed on the main software engineering work-products of software requirements and software design.

Purpose, roles, activities, and most importantly the level of formality distinguish different types of technical reviews. Inspections are the most formal, walk through less, and pair reviews or desk checks are the least formal.

Examples of specific roles include a decision maker (i.e., software lead), a review leader, a recorder, and checkers (technical staff members who examine the work-products). Reviews are also distinguished by whether meetings (face to face or electronic) are included in the process. In some review methods checkers solitarily examine work-products and send their results back to a coordinator. In other methods checkers work cooperatively in meetings. A technical review may require that mandatory inputs be in place in order to proceed:

• Statement of objectives
• Specific software product
• Specific project management plan
• Issues list associated with this product
• Technical review procedure.

The team follows the documented review procedure. The technical review is completed once all the activities listed in the examination have been completed.

Technical reviews of source code may include a wide variety of concerns such as analysis of algorithms, utilization of critical computer resources, adherence to coding standards, structure and organization of code for testability, and safetycritical considerations.  Note that technical reviews of source code or design models such as UML are also termed static analysis (see topic 3, Practical Considerations).

“The purpose of an inspection is to detect and identify software product anomalies” [16*]. Some important differentiators of inspections as compared to other types of technical reviews are these:

1.Rules. Inspections are based upon examining a work-product with respect to a defined set of criteria specified by the organization. Sets of rules can be defined for different types of workproducts (e.g., rules for requirements, architecture descriptions, source code).
2. Sampling. Rather that attempt to examine every word and figure in a document, the inspection process allows checkers to evaluate defined subsets (samples) of the documents under review.
3. Peer. Individuals holding management positions over members of the inspection team do not participate in the inspection. This is a key distinction between peer review and management review.
4.Led. An impartial moderator who is trained in inspection techniques leads inspection meetings.
5. Meeting. The inspection process includes meetings (face to face or electronic) conducted by a moderator according to a formal procedure in which inspection team members report the anomalies they have found and other issues.

Software inspections always involve the author of an intermediate or final product; other reviews might not. Inspections also include an inspection leader, a recorder, a reader, and a few (two to five) checkers (inspectors). The members of an inspection team may possess different expertise, such as domain expertise, software design method expertise, or programming language expertise. Inspections are usually conducted on one relatively small section of the product at a time (samples). Each team member examines the software product and other review inputs prior to the review meeting, perhaps by applying an analytical technique (see section 3.3.3) to a small section of the product or to the entire product with a focus on only one aspect—e.g., interfaces. During the inspection, the moderator conducts the session and verifies that everyone has prepared for the inspection and conducts the session. The inspection recorder documents anomalies found. A set of rules, with criteria and questions germane to the issues of interest, is a common tool used in inspections. The resulting list often classifies the anomalies (see section 3.2, Defect Characterization) and is reviewed for completeness and accuracy by the team. The inspection exit decision corresponds to one of the following options:
1. Accept with no or, at most, minor reworking 
2. Accept with rework verification 

"The purpose of a systematic walk-through is to evaluate a software product. A walkthrough may be conducted for the purpose of educating an audience regarding a software product." Walkthroughs are distinguished from inspections. The main difference is that the author presents the work-product to the other participants in a meeting (face to face or electronic). Unlike an inspection, the meeting participants may not have necessarily seen the material prior to the meeting. The meetings may be conducted less formally. The author takes the role of explaining and showing the material to participants and solicits feedback. Like inspections, walkthroughs may be conducted on any type of work-product including project plan, requirements, design, source code, and test reports.

Process Assurance and Product Assurance Audits
"The purpose of a software audit is to provide an independent evaluation of the conformance of software products and processes to applicable regulations, standards, guidelines, plans, and procedures." Process assurance audits determine the adequacy of plans, schedules, and requirements to achieve project objectives [5]. The audit is a formally organized activity with participants having specific roles—such as lead auditor, another auditor, a recorder, or an initiator—and including a representative of the audited organization. Audits identify instances of nonconformance and produce a report requiring the team to take corrective action.

While there may be many formal names for reviews and audits, such as those identified in the standard [16*], the important point is that they can occur on almost any product at any stage of the development or maintenance process.

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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000076

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Passionate about new technology ( Software Engineering ) and how to build,manage and maintain them
