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10 - Software Quality - 3 - Practical Considerations

Various factors influence planning, management, and selection of SQM activities and techniques, including
Software Quality Requirements
• the domain of the system in which the software resides; the system functions could be safety-critical, mission-critical, business critical, security-critical
• the physical environment in which the software system resides
• system and software functional (what the system does) and quality (how well the system performs its functions) requirements
• the commercial (external) or standard (internal) components to be used in the system
• the specific software engineering standards applicable
• the methods and software tools to be used for development and maintenance and for quality evaluation and improvement
• the budget, staff, project organization, plans, and scheduling of all processes
• the intended users and use of the system
• the integrity level of the system

Information on these factors influences how the SQM processes are organized and documented, how specific SQM activities are selected, what resources are needed, and which of those resources impose bounds on the efforts.

In cases where system failure may have extremely severe consequences, overall dependability (hardware, software, and human or operational) is the main quality requirement over and above basic functionality. This is the case for the following reasons: system failures affect a large number of people; users often reject systems that are unreliable, unsafe, or insecure; system failure costs may be enormous; and undependable systems may cause information loss. System and software dependability include such characteristics as availability, reliability, safety, and security. When developing dependable software, tools and techniques can be applied to reduce the risk of injecting faults into the intermediate deliverables or the final software product. Verification, validation, and testing processes, techniques, methods, and tools identify faults that impact dependability as early as possible in the life cycle. Additionally, mechanisms may need to be in place in the software to guard against external attacks and to tolerate faults.

Integrity Levels of Software
Defining integrity levels is a method of risk management.
  "Software integrity levels are a range of values that represent software complexity, criticality, risk, safety level, security level, desired performance, reliability, or other project-unique characteristics that define the importance of the software to the user and acquirer. The characteristics used to determine software integrity level vary depending on the intended application and use of the system. The software is a part of the system, and its integrity level is to be determined as a part of that system."
The assigned software integrity levels may change as the software evolves. Design, coding, procedural, and technology features implemented in the system or software can raise or lower the assigned software integrity levels. The software integrity levels established for a project result from agreements among the acquirer, supplier, developer, and independent assurance authorities. A software integrity level scheme is a tool used in determining software integrity levels.
 As noted in, “the integrity levels can be applied during development to allocate additional verification and validation efforts to high-integrity components.”

Defect Characterization
Software quality evaluation (i.e., software quality control) techniques find defects, faults and failures. Characterizing these techniques leads to an understanding of the product, facilitates corrections to the process or the product, and informs management and other stakeholders of the status of the process or product. Many taxonomies exist and, while attempts have been made to gain consensus, the literature indicates that there are quite a few in use. Defect characterization is also used in audits and reviews, with the review leader often presenting a list of issues provided by team members for consideration at a review meeting.

 As new design methods and languages evolve, along with advances in overall software technologies, new classes of defects appear, and a great deal of effort is required to interpret previously defined classes. When tracking defects, the software engineer is interested in not only the number of defects but also the types. Information alone, without some classification, may not be sufficient to identify the underlying causes of the defects.

Specific types of problems need to be grouped to identify trends over time. The point is to establish a defect taxonomy that is meaningful to the organization and to software engineers.

Software quality control activities discover information at all stages of software development and maintenance. In some cases, the word defect is overloaded to refer to different types of anomalies. However, different engineering cultures and standards may use somewhat different meanings for these terms. The variety of terms prompts this section to provide a widely used set of definitions

• Computational Error: “the difference between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition.”
• Error: “A human action that produces an incorrect result.” A slip or mistake that a person makes. Also called human error.
• Defect: An “imperfection or deficiency in a work product where that work product does not meet its requirements or specifications and needs to be either repaired or replaced.” A defect is caused by a person committing an error.
• Fault: A defect in source code. An “incorrect step, process, or data definition in computer program.” The encoding of a human error in source code. Fault is the formal name of a bug.
• Failure: An “event in which a system or system component does not perform a required function within specified limits.” A failure is produced when a fault is encountered by the processor under specified conditions

Using these definitions three widely used software quality measurements are defect density (number of defects per unit size of documents), fault density (number of faults per 1K lines of code), and failure intensity (failures per use-hour or per test-hour). Reliability models are built from failure data collected during software testing or from software in service and thus can be used to estimate the probability of future failures and to assist in decisions on when to stop testing.

One probable action resulting from SQM findings is to remove the defects from the product under examination (e.g., find and fix bugs, create new build). Other activities attempt to eliminate  the causes of the defects—for example, root cause analysis (RCA). RCA activities include analyzing and summarizing the findings to find root causes and using measurement techniques to improve the product and the process as well as to track the defects and their removal. Process improvement is primarily discussed in the Software Engineering Process KA, with the SQM process being a source of information.

Data on inadequacies and defects found by software quality control techniques may be lost unless they are recorded. For some techniques (e.g., technical reviews, audits, inspections), recorders are present to set down such information, along with issues and decisions. When automated tools are used (see topic 4, Software Quality Tools), the tool output may provide the defect information. Reports about defects are provided to the management of the organization.

Software Quality Management Techniques
Software quality control techniques can be categorized in many ways, but a straightforward approach uses just two categories: static and dynamic. Dynamic techniques involve executing the software; static techniques involve analyzing documents and source code but not executing the software.

Static Techniques
 Static techniques examine software documentation (including requirements, interface specifications, designs, and models) and software source code without executing the code. There are many tools and techniques for statically examining software work-products (see section 2.3.2). In addition, tools that analyze source code control flow and search for dead code are considered to be static analysis tools because they do not involve executing the software code.
Other, more formal, types of analytical techniques are known as formal methods. They are notably used to verify software requirements and designs. They have mostly been used in the verification of crucial parts of critical systems, such as specific security and safety requirements. (See also Formal Methods in the Software Engineering Models and Methods KA.)

Dynamic Techniques
Dynamic techniques involve executing the software code. Different kinds of dynamic techniques are performed throughout the development and maintenance of software. Generally, these are testing techniques, but techniques such as simulation and model analysis may be considered dynamic (see the Software Engineering Models and Methods KA). Code reading is considered a static technique, but experienced software engineers may execute the code as they read through it. Code reading may utilize dynamic techniques. This discrepancy in categorizing indicates that people with different roles and experience in the organization may consider and apply these techniques differently.

Different groups may perform testing during software development, including groups independent of the development team. The Software Testing KA is devoted entirely to this subject.

 Two types of testing may fall under V&V because of their responsibility for the quality of the materials used in the project:
• Evaluation and tests of tools to be used on the project
• Conformance tests (or review of conformance tests) of components and COTS products to be used in the product.
Sometimes an independent (third-party or IV&V) organization may be tasked to perform testing or to monitor the test process V&V may be called upon to evaluate the testing itself: adequacy of plans, processes, and procedures, and adequacy and accuracy of results.
The third party is not the developer, nor is it associated with the development of the product. Instead, the third party is an independent facility, usually accredited by some body of authority. Their purpose is to test a product for conformance to a specific set of requirements (see the Software Testing KA).

Software Quality Measurement
Software quality measurements are used to support decision-making. With the increasing sophistication of software, questions of quality go beyond whether or not the software works to how well it achieves measurable quality goals.

Decisions supported by software quality measurement include determining levels of software quality (notably because models of software product quality include measures to determine the degree to which the software product achieves quality goals); managerial questions about effort, cost, and schedule; determining when to stop testing and release a product (see Termination under section 5.1, Practical Considerations, in the Software Testing KA); and determining the efficacy of process improvement efforts.

The cost of SQM processes is an issue frequently raised in deciding how a project or a software development and maintenance group should be organized. Often, generic models of cost are used, which are based on when a defect is found and how much effort it takes to fix the defect relative to finding the defect earlier in the development process. Software quality measurement data collected internally may give a better picture of cost within this project or organization.

While the software quality measurement data may be useful in itself (e.g., the number of defective requirements or the proportion of defective requirements), mathematical and graphical techniques can be applied to aid in the interpretation of the measures (see the Engineering Foundations KA). These techniques include

• descriptive statistics based (e.g., Pareto analysis, run charts, scatter plots, normal distribution)
• statistical tests (e.g., the binomial test, chisquared test)
• trend analysis (e.g., control charts; see The Quality Toolbox in the list of further readings)
• prediction (e.g., reliability models).

Descriptive statistics-based techniques and tests often provide a snapshot of the more troublesome areas of the software product under examination. The resulting charts and graphs are visualization aids, which the decision makers can use to focus resources and conduct process improvements where they appear to be most needed. Results from trend analysis may indicate that a schedule is being met, such as in testing, or that certain classes of faults may become more likely to occur unless some corrective action is taken in development. The predictive techniques assist in estimating testing effort and schedule and in predicting failures. More discussion on measurement in general appears in the Software Engineering Process and Software Engineering Management KAs. More specific information on testing measurement is presented in the Software Testing KA.

Software quality measurement includes measuring defect occurrences and applying statistical methods to understand the types of defects that occur most frequently. This information may be used by software process improvement for determining methods to prevent, reduce, or eliminate their recurrence. They also aid in understanding trends, how well detection and containment techniques are working, and how well the development and maintenance processes are progressing.

From these measurement methods, defect profiles can be developed for a specific application domain. Then, for the next software project within that organization, the profiles can be used to guide the SQM processes—that is, to expend the effort where problems are most likely to occur. Similarly, benchmarks, or defect counts typical of that domain, may serve as one aid in determining when the product is ready for delivery. Discussion on using data from SQM to improve development and maintenance processes appears in the Software Engineering Management and Software Engineering Process KAs.

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Published on : 30-May-2018
Ref no : DTC-WPUB-000077

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Passionate about new technology ( Software Engineering ) and how to build,manage and maintain them
